Monday 18 July 2011

Camping Calamity.

This weekend started out relatively normal. The boy and I stayed in town Friday night cuddling and watching movies, since the weather was not exactly co-operating. Saturday morning, however, the weather did a 360 and it was gorgeous. We decided to head up to the campground after all (we go pretty well every weekend). On the way there, we drove a different route than normal, finding some beautiful scenery and woodlands. We pulled over and decided to get out and walk through, to see if we couldn't get any photos out of the landscape. 

Not 15 minutes into snapping shots, I feel painful biting on my legs. I looked down, and low and behold I was standing on top of a red ant hill. The ants were up to my knees and I just screamed. Not really knowing what to do, I pretty well sprinted for the car, using my hands to try to get the ants off me. The boy, luckily, was much calmer and managed to pick up all my gear, shake off the ants and bring it out to the car where I was, no longer covered in ants, doing some sort of 'get-them-off-of-me-are-they-still-on-me-i-hate-bugs' dance. When he finally calmed me down and assured me that there really were none left, we both looked at one another and burst out laughing. Of course this would happen to me. 

Apparently however, the ants were not the only thing to go wrong this particular Saturday. Later that night, we were sitting by the fire, talking and drinking some wine. Now, the chairs by the campfire have cup holders, and usually this is where I put my cell phone and anything I am drinking/eating goes on the side table. So we were carrying on and laughing and I was fiddling with my cell phone, and went to put it down, in the cup holder. (See where this is going....?) Next thing I know I hear 'PLOP'. 

Yes. I dropped my cell phone in my wine. Less than a year old and it's a goner. It worked, with the exception of the power button, for about an hour, but now it will only give me death screen with red writing. I guess I will have to replace it. Probably with a cheaper phone, since I am horribly accident prone, and ruining expensive things seems to be my forté...

I suppose I should leave you with a bit of fashion. Here's what I wore yesterday! 



  1. lol...that's so funny! It's cute that you both laughed about it though! I love the leggings you're wearing! xoxoxoo

  2. Very nice blog Pretty ;)
    I'll come back =)

